Cosmetics and perfume

Order by phone: 0889 320 427 0888 246 202

How to order?

To start shopping you have to select a product first. Then you press the button "BUY" and the selected

product goes to your shopping cart. After making that you can move on buying something else or start to

fill the order page. In your shopping cart you can change the amount of each product you have ordered.

You can still put something else in your shopping cart or turn to order page.

If you already have a registration you just need to fill your e-mail and password and your order page will be

automatically ready with your data.

If you don't have a registration and you don't want to make one you can still make an order as a guest.

Please fill the address carefully and make sure that this is the address that you want to receive your packet at.

If you want an invoice you have to give the necessary information for preparing one.

Than you need to "SEND" your order. You will receive an e-mail or phone call for a conformation of your order.

If you have any questions you can contact us on the following phone number: +35941-351-415.